In case, the ' Failed patching' message was caused by the old 32bit dlls you must patch the 64bit ones.
This is because you said that it is already patched. If it does not work then all you need to do is copy the one in C:\Program Files\Steinberg\plug-ins and copy it onto C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\plugi-ins\64bit. In order for version 2.6.2 to work, you must delete the dlls fromĬ:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\vstplugins I am not going to repeat a whole set of permissions all over again because your problem is that you did not delete the old 32bit version of Omnisphere dlls. The other is that you don't have the necessary permissions to that file. When a dll is already patched you will receive a 'Failed patching' message as you can't repatch it. One is that you already have patched the dll.
There are two possible answers when the failed patching appears. In case this thread survives, here is, for the 10000th time the solution to this issue. All these threads should be reported to so they are deleted as soon as they show up. In KG, press PATCH and select the files in turn: Omnisphere.exe, along the path C: \ ProgramData \ Spectrasonics Omnisphere.dll along the path C: \ ProgramData \ Spectrasonics \ plug-ins \ 64bit I ALSO PATCHED THE SAME ONE IN MY VSTPLUGINS FOLDER Omnisphere.dll along the path C: \ Program Files (x86) \ VstPlugins \ Spectrasonics IF YOU HAVE.
This is nothing new and has already been explained several times. Another unnecessary Omnisphere thread BY A NEWBIE with the same problem as 100 previous one.